The Writing Place
The Writing Place, Northwestern's center for peer writing consultations, has been in existence since the founding of the Writing Program in 1977. Specially trained undergraduate peer consultants are available to help anyone in the Northwestern community – undergraduate or graduate student, faculty, or staff – with any writing assignment or project. The consultants help people at any stage of the writing process, from analyzing an assignment and developing ideas to editing for correctness and a polished, professional finish.
The main Writing Place is located in Upper Core/2N of the University Library on the Evanston campus. The Graduate Writing Place, developed specifically to help graduate students and staffed by graduate peer consultants, is located on the second floor of 555 Clark Street. Before making an appointment, members of the Northwestern community need to register online using their Northwestern email address by clicking on the “make an appointment” link at
The Writing Place also offers useful advice online about various writing topics. In addition, the Director of the Writing Place, Meaghan Fritz, is available to confer with all Northwestern faculty to discuss how they might best use the Writing Place as a resource to support their students’ ability to write clearly and effectively.