Does the Writing Program offer courses for graduate students?
Apart from a seminar designed to help graduate students plan and teach writing courses (English 570), the Writing Program does not offer any credit-bearing courses for graduate students. However, the Graduate Writing Place offers several opportunities for graduate students to enroll in writing workshops and interdisciplinary writing groups.
Where should I go to find out about writing services for graduate students?
In partnership with the Graduate School and the Weinberg College of Arts & Sciences, The Graduate Writing Place provides a variety of programs and services to graduate students across the university: one-on-one writing consultations, cross-disciplinary and discipline-specific workshops, dissertation boot camps, and interdisciplinary writing groups. To learn more about these services, please visit the Writing Place website.
Does the Writing Program sponsor fellowships or assistantships for graduate students?
In partnership with the Graduate School, the Writing Program and the Graduate Writing Place sponsors two types of graduate assistantships.
- Ten nine-month (September-May) Graduate Writing Fellowships (~5 hours/week)
- One twelve-month (June-May) Graduate Assistantship (15-20 hours/week)
These competitive assistantships solicit applications from advanced PhD candidates from all of Northwestern’s PhD granting programs and departments Over the course of the academic year, selected students hold individual writing consultations with fellow graduate students, as well as design and conduct cross-disciplinary and discipline-specific workshops. For their work, Fellows are awarded an honorarium that supplements any assistantships or fellowships they are already earning. The Graduate Assistant is provided a stipend and associated benefits equivalent to what would be earned in their home department/program.
To learn more about eligibility and the application process, consult the Graduate Assistantships page on the Writing Place website. Applications to serve as a Graduate Assistant during the subsequent academic year are available during spring quarter.