Ignatius Aloysius
Lecturer, The Cook Family Writing Program
BA, Union Institute and University; MFA, Northwestern

- ignatius.aloysius@northwestern.edu
- 555 Clark St., 201
His writing has appeared in several venues, including The Sunday Rumpus, Newcity, TriQuarterly, Third Coast Review, and The Extraordinary Project; and his metafictional novel Fishhead. Republic of Want is forthcoming from Tortoise Books. Ignatius is a literary citizen and co-organizer of Sunday Salon Chicago, a bi-monthly reading event series. He has read for Poets Resist and co-hosted Writers Resist during the Evanston Literary Festival; as well, he read during Banned Books Week at The Public House Theatre, an ACLU benefit. Ignatius is also a graphic designer, hard rock/metal lead guitarist, drummer, and songwriter. He has been awarded interdisciplinary art residencies at Ragdale Foundation in Lake Forest, Illinois, and now serves on the curatorial board at Ragdale. He carries purple pride and lives with his wife in Evanston.